In this article we share our experience of developing a secure system using RISC-V Micro-Controller Unit (MCU).
Research Areas(0)
TinyTrain: Resource-Aware Task-Adaptive Sparse Training of DNNs at the Data-Scarce Edge
AuthorYoung D. Kwon, Rui Li, Stylianos I.Venieris
PublishedInternational Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
On-Board State Estimation in Electrical Vehicles: Achieving Accuracy and Computational Efficiency through an Electrochemical Model
AuthorM.K.S.Verma, Suman Basu, Rajkumar S. Patil, Krishnan S. Hariharan, Shashishekar P. Adiga , Subramanya Mayya Kolake, Dukjin Oh, Taewon Song, Younghun Sung
PublishedIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Internet-of-Things (IoT) are everywhere in our daily life. They are used in our homes, in restaurants, at the factories, installed outdoors to control and to report the weather changes, prevent fires, and many more. However, all these may come at risks of security breaches and privacy issues.